
About VH Design

將卓絕品味與舒心機能, 吟詠為溫潤如詩的雅緻空間; 詠潤,懷抱對美學的敏銳及熱誠, 同時秉持謹慎的實踐態度, 透過簡潔精煉的設計語彙, 譜寫業主的生活節奏及專屬格調, 呈現畫作般的美景於世人眼前, 靜待知己者細品, 含蓄其中的雋永情感和無窮意蘊。

Perform gentle, poetic, and elegant spaces with exceptional tastes and delightful features. VH Design, with keen and passionate aesthetic views; adopt concise and exquisite design themes; meantime, hold careful practicing attitude to bring out evocative pace and exclusive style of the property owner's life, excellently present picture-perfect scenes to the world. We hope that people who entrust us can appreciate the timeless devotion and meaningful implication.

Design Concept

善於傾聽需求、貼心換位思考, 我們邀請業主,一同踏上實現夢想空間的旅途; 不論是療癒身心的家宅, 抑或展現品牌特色的商辦場所, 皆完美融合人性思維和建物個性, 於質樸大方的格局之中, 協調建材質地與色彩比例, 編織合宜動線,牽引自然氣息, 成就一處處質感與舒適並存的優美境地。

We attentively listen to the needs and considerably put ourselves in the customers' shoes. Heartfully inviting the proprietors to embark on the journey of realizing the dreamy visions together. We perfectly integrate humanistic thinking and building essence of whether the residence soothes body and mind or commercial space that reveals brand features. We skillfully coordinate material textures and color schemes, arrange smooth moving flows, introduce natural vibes to accomplish refined, cozy, and glamorous circumstances.

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Design Director

Vanessa Huang